Do you need branding if your product or service is amazing?

Think a great product/service is enough to attract customers? Think again. In today's competitive market, having a strong brand identity is crucial for success. Discover the pitfalls of neglecting branding and the benefits of a strong brand

You have a great product or service. Do you REALLY need a brand?

Many businesses believe that if they offer quality products or services, branding isn’t necessary. It’s definitely something I would file under “false!”

Our eyes are so speedy when it comes to making sense of things and it takes approximately 0.05 seconds for someone to form an opinion about something they’re looking at. We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” and that tracks.

Think of your brand like a business card for what you offer. In a mere glance it signals your credibility, your personality, and whether or you’re something they align with. 

In this blog post, I’m diving into the importance of branding in business success and how it can help your business stand out in a competitive market.

The role of branding in business success

A strong brand helps differentiate your business from competitors and creates a lasting impression in the minds of customers. Consistency in branding across all marketing channels is crucial to building a strong brand identity. There are so many things vying for people’s attention online that anything you can do to create familiarity and recognition will go a long ways. 

You know I love a good example, so consider Apple for a second. Despite having high-priced products, Apple's brand has a loyal following due to its reputation for innovation, quality, and design. It sounds almost funny to imagine someone walking around touting HP for anything other than performance whereas Apple has become synonymous with cool tech. 

The pitfalls of neglecting branding

Neglecting branding can lead to missed opportunities, such as losing potential customers to competitors who have a stronger brand presence or impacting the perceived value of your product or service. 

Literally, having strong design can help you raise your prices. I want to shout it from the rooftops! Branding improves the perceived value of what you offer and match the quality of service you provide. 

Think about the products at Sephora, for example. Are they ACTUALLY better than a drugstore mascara? Or does the fancy packaging and marketing just increase their perceived value so much that you don’t mind shelling out $30?

Another example that comes to mind is Lululemon. Lululemon has an elevated brand at every touchpoint, from their product photography to the design of their stores. While Lululemon has its proprietary fabric, Amazon knockoffs have come onto the scene at a fraction of the price. The reason why people are willing to spend $100+ on a single pair of leggings when they can get a pair on Amazon for $20 all falls back to Lulemon’s brand reputation. 

In addition to having a reputation that makes them known for quality, the high end branding (for example, think of the thick paper tags they use on their garments and the bags you get at checkout) elevate the entire experience to match what you’re paying. If Lululemon stores looked like a Walmart, people might be a little more hesitant to hand over their credit card just because of the subliminal design cues. 

Branding also helps lift you up when you’re just starting out

Ever go to a profile and click away if they don’t have a certain number of followers? Or glance at their site before purchasing to make sure it’s legit?

When you’re just starting out, I know all too well the feeling of knowing in your heart that what you offer is amazing, but your people haven’t found you yet. It’s a lot of legwork building that trust and growing your audience. 

As a designer, knowing how to create a professional and cohesive digital presence has been like a secret weapon in accelerating the trust building process and establishing credibility. 

How to develop a strong brand identity

To develop a strong brand identity, start by defining your brand values, target audience, and unique selling proposition. These elements will help you create a brand that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from competitors. Other tips for developing a strong brand identity include:

  • Creating a memorable name, logo, and tagline

  • Using consistent branding across all marketing channels, including social media, website, and advertising

  • Developing a unique voice and tone for your brand

  • Building a brand personality that aligns with your values and resonates with your target audience

Think a great product/service is enough to attract customers? Think again. In today's competitive market, having a strong brand identity is crucial for success. Discover the pitfalls of neglecting branding and the benefits of a strong brand, as well

Conclusion: Do you need branding if your product or service is amazing?

Having a great product or service is not enough to attract and retain customers in today's competitive market. Investing in branding can help you stand out and create a unique identity for your business. By developing a strong brand identity and maintaining brand consistency across all marketing channels, you can increase customer loyalty, recognition, and trust, and ultimately drive business success.


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