The Biggest Signs You Need Stronger Branding (5 Key Questions to Ask)

The Biggest Signs You Need Stronger Branding (5 Key Questions to Ask)

So you have a thriving social media presence (seriously—that’s so amazing!), but what about your branding?

Is it all that it could be in resonating with your audience and attracting your dream brand deals? Is it helping you come across as professional so you can seal the deal on those brand contracts?

Before you crack open Canva and start punching your details into a template, hear me out.

I’m here to help you craft a brand you love and to do that answering a few simple questions will help you figure out what to tackle next. Let’s do this.

1. If you screenshot your brand page on all your social media pages and website, would they match?

I know how it goes. You see an eye-catching design on Pinterest or see another creator’s story on Instagram and suddenly feel…not on trend. So you jump into Canva and find a template to match.

If you’re lacking a bit of consistency in your branding, that’s totally fine. But improving that consistency will help build trust towards your brand across all the platforms you’re on.

Ideally, you want to have a cohesive visual language that allows your biggest fans to recognize you and what your brand values are!

2. You can picture it in your head…but on paper, it’s not quite right.

You know that feeling when you walk into a store like Lululemon, Aritzia, or Anthropologie? There’s a distinct feeling that they create that can just make you feel like you belong. Every little piece is crafted to embody the brand’s values and how they want you to feel.

If you feel like your look isn’t quite vibing with what’s in your head, it may be a sign that the design cues you’re using need to be tweaked to better reflect the words you’d use to describe your brand.

3. If you close your eyes can you picture what color represents your brand?

Brand color is kinda a big deal. In fact, according to a study, up to 90% of how we assess something we see is based on color alone. That is potentially a big leg up when you think about brand competition!

If you haven’t quite nailed your brand color (or don’t have one yet!) don’t fret. You can use this as an opportunity to hone in on what you want your brand to represent. I suggest taking some time to explore what adjectives you feel represent your brand, then look for colors that emulate those.

4. When you compare yourself to your competitors, do you blend in or stand out?

It can be tempting to lean into the aesthetic that it seems everyone else is using. But remember that branding is a strategic tool of differentiating yourself from the rest and creating a memorable experience.

If you feel your current look and feel is a bit too generic (or even just a little too close to others in your industry), it may be time to start digging into how you can stand out.

5. Does your presence online reflect your brand and demonstrate what you’re capable of and WHO you’re capable of working with?

Here’s the thing: you are amazing. Design and branding are how you’re going to visually communicate that awesomeness to everyone who hasn’t interacted with you yet.

Selling in a digital environment can be rough because you’re having to attract people’s attention and prove you’re trustworthy enough to get out the credit card for.

That’s why we err on the side of caution clicking links on scammy-looking websites and won’t likely purchase from a site that doesn’t seem reputable.

Think about it for a second: Target doesn’t write “you can trust us” on their website. They create a cohesive visual experience that’s clean and professional, which helps build buyer trust and improve the overall brand experience.

If your website isn’t acting like a nonstop salesperson on your behalf, it might be time to revisit!

Personality to Palette - Free Canva Font & Color Guide

Now what?

If you’re ready to take a pass at your visual branding but don’t have the time or cash to figure it out on your own, check out my free Personality to Palette workbook for a designer-approved collection of Canva font combinations and color palette sets that you can plug right into Canva.

Remember, the key to success is making tiny 1% improvements and getting that snowball of momentum going. A stronger visual brand will help you get that snowball rolling: by polishing up your marketing graphics and creating consistency, you’re well on your way to creating a brand experience that attracts your dream audience.

The Biggest Signs You Need Stronger Branding (5 Key Questions to Ask)

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