Effective and Timeless Social Media Prompts for Your Business Content Calendar

Effective and timeless social media prompts. These prompts serve as inspiration, helping you create content that resonates with your target audience and adds value to their lives. From sharing your founder’s story to showcasing client testimonials.

“What should I post?”

The age old question you likely ask yourself every month. You want to grow your audience, don't have a ton of time, and also want high-quality posts. 

When I'm scratching my head trying to check all of those boxes, I like to refer back to some timeless content prompts that are sure to spark some inspiration and make content creation in Canva that much easier. 

These prompts serve as inspiration, helping you create content that resonates with your target audience and adds value to their lives. From sharing your founder’s story to showcasing client testimonials, these content prompts provide a solid foundation for building your content strategy.

Effective and timeless social media prompts. These prompts serve as inspiration, helping you create content that resonates with your target audience and adds value to their lives. From sharing your founder’s story to showcasing client testimonials.

Showcase your products or services

Highlight the key features and benefits of your offerings using eye-catching visuals created with Canva. Share how your products or services can solve your customers' pain points and provide value.

Behind the scenes 

Take your audience behind the scenes of your business. Share glimpses of your creative process, team collaboration, or product development. Build trust and transparency by showing the human side of your brand.

Thought Starter

Have a controversial opinion about something in your niche? Share your POV!

Customer Testimonials

Create visually appealing testimonial graphics using Canva. Feature satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with your products or services. Showcasing real-life success stories can build credibility and attract new customers. 

Pain Points You've Solved

Consider your niche and what their pain points are. Is there anything you've found a hack for that would help them alleviate a pain point? Whether it's a new tool or a more efficient way to do something, this is sure to add a lot of value to your target audience's life. 

Educational Infographics

Share valuable industry insights or educational content in the form of infographics created with Canva. Break down complex concepts or processes into visually appealing and easy-to-understand graphics to educate and engage your audience.

Offer Promotion

Design promotional graphics using Canva to announce limited-time offers, discounts, or special deals for your audience. Create a sense of urgency and encourage your customers to take action by utilizing compelling visuals and persuasive copy.

Founder Story

As you grow your audience, there will be people that don't know the person behind the post! Share little details about yourself, why you do what you do, and what lights you up. 

I hope this list helps you level up your content in Canva. Stay tuned for more tips for stress free content creation! If you have any requests on things you're struggling with in Canva, let me know! 

Effective and timeless social media prompts. These prompts serve as inspiration, helping you create content that resonates with your target audience and adds value to their lives. From sharing your founder’s story to showcasing client testimonials.

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